A video of Congress MP and Leader of Opposition, Rahul Gandhi, engaging with two children has gone viral across social media platforms. The clip, posted by Congress leader Supriya Bhardwaj on ‘X’, showcases a humorous interaction between Gandhi and the two charming siblings.
In the video, Rahul Gandhi greets the young boy, calling him a “young man” and asks where he is from. The child responds with “America”, to which Gandhi, amused, replies that “he didn’t look American.”
He further asks the siblings whether they fight with each other, and the boy responds affirmatively. Gandhi then introduces the duo to his sister, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, and concludes the interaction with a handshake.
Netizens’ Reactions
Social media users were quick to share their thoughts on the heartwarming moment. One user wrote, “Dil to bachcha hai ji,” while another commented, “How sweet.”