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Delta Airlines ‘Wear Proper Undergarments’ New Memo For Flight Attendants

Delta Air Lines has released a detailed memo outlining strict grooming and attire standards for both current and aspiring flight attendants, with a notable emphasis on undergarments. The two-page document, which covers a wide range of appearance guidelines, underscores the importance of professionalism in every aspect of the flight attendants’ role, from their hair to […]

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Delta Airlines ‘Wear Proper Undergarments’ New Memo For Flight Attendants

Delta Air Lines has released a detailed memo outlining strict grooming and attire standards for both current and aspiring flight attendants, with a notable emphasis on undergarments. The two-page document, which covers a wide range of appearance guidelines, underscores the importance of professionalism in every aspect of the flight attendants’ role, from their hair to their shoes, and even their underwear.

Emphasis on Undergarments: “Invisible Yet Mandatory”

The memo specifically highlights the requirement for flight attendants to wear “proper undergarments.” However, the airline stressed that while undergarments are mandatory, they must remain invisible. This reminder is part of Delta’s broader focus on maintaining a polished and professional image for its cabin crew.

Key Appearance Guidelines

In addition to undergarments, the memo provides detailed grooming and attire rules, covering everything from hair to jewelry. Some of the key guidelines include:

  • Hair: Must be naturally colored, with no bold highlights or artificial shades. Longer hair must be tied back and secured above the shoulders, and if it extends past the mid-back, it must be pinned up.
  • Eyelashes: Should look natural, avoiding exaggerated extensions or styles.
  • Nails: Flight attendants must keep nails simple and subtle—neon colors, multi-color, glitter, or hand-painted designs are not permitted.
  • Tattoos: Must be fully covered, but bandages are not considered an acceptable solution.
  • Piercings: Only a single nose piercing is allowed, with permitted stud materials being gold, silver, white pearl, or clear diamond-like studs. Flight attendants can wear up to two earrings per ear, smaller than a dime and not hoops. Other visible body piercings are not allowed.

Professional Attire and Footwear Standards

Delta also reinforced strict guidelines on clothing, stressing that professionalism and fit are critical. Dresses and skirts must fall at or below knee length, and athletic shoes are prohibited. Instead, flight attendants are required to wear closed-toe flats, heels, or sling-back shoes.

For those wearing the male uniform, a tie is required alongside button-collared dress shirts. Delta further outlined expectations for behavior during interview days, with a strict no-tolerance policy for profanity, gum chewing, and the use of phones or earbuds.

Delta’s Focus on Brand Representation

The memo emphasized the importance of flight attendants maintaining a professional image as they represent the airline to customers.

“Delta Flight Attendants spend the most time with our customers and are the face of our airline. They must be passionate about enhancing each customer’s experience while embodying the Delta brand. The Delta uniform represents always putting safety first, pride in the Delta culture, and demonstrates a genuine graciousness that will be remembered by our customers,” the memo stated.

Accommodating Religious Practices

In conclusion, Delta stated its commitment to working with employees who require accommodations for religious beliefs or practices, provided such accommodations do not pose safety hazards or other undue burdens on the company.

This recent memo serves as a reminder of Delta’s commitment to maintaining a polished and professional appearance for its flight attendants, ensuring that they reflect the airline’s brand while providing a welcoming and elevated experience for passengers.