In the latest episode of The Great Indian Kapil Sharma Show, Kapil welcomed a star-studded lineup featuring business legends like Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy, his wife Sudha Murty, Zomato founder Deepinder Goyal, and his wife, Grecia Munoz. The episode was filled with touching moments, especially when Deepinder had a “fanboy” moment with Narayana and Sudha Murty.

Deepinder Goyal’s Moment with Narayana and Sudha Murty

After greeting the couple, Deepinder turned to Kapil with a humble request, saying, “Pehle ek photo lele,” asking if they could take a picture with Narayana Murthy and Sudha Murty. Kapil happily agreed, and the couple posed for a cherished photo with the iconic duo.

Deepinder and Grecia’s Love Story

Kapil also inquired about how Deepinder met his wife, Grecia Munoz, a Mexican native. Deepinder shared a fond memory, saying, “I was single for the longest time. My friends would set me up on dates and always told me not to settle down. When Grecia first came to Delhi, a friend called me and said, ‘There’s a girl here you should meet.’ I agreed, and he told me, ‘You’ll end up marrying her.’ It was his foresight. He had always advised me against getting serious, but this time he insisted, ‘You have to marry if you find a girl like her.’”

Grecia’s Love for Indian Cuisine

When Kapil asked Grecia about her favorite Indian food, she was excited to share her love for Punjabi dishes. “I love Indian food because of its variety,” she said, adding that Chole Bhature is her favorite.

Kapil also asked if Grecia had ever prepared her first traditional meal, a key moment for newlywed brides in India. Deepinder joked, “Cooking is banned at our home. We always order,” bringing laughs to the audience.

This episode of The Great Indian Kapil Sharma Show was a perfect blend of humor and heartfelt moments, offering viewers a unique glimpse into the personal lives of some of India’s most influential business figures.