The “Tauba Tauba” dance trend, sparked by Vicky Kaushal’s moves in the film ‘Bad Newz’, has taken social media by storm. The trend even reached an old age home in Karnataka, where elderly women delightedly performed the dance steps in sarees. The video, shared by Shantai Vruddashram in Belgaum, shows the women enthusiastically following the hook steps, with one member sporting sunglasses. The video quickly went viral, amassing over 4.4 million views and capturing hearts across the internet.

Vicky Kaushal himself acknowledged the video, liking it and leaving a heartfelt comment with emoticons showing love and joy. The post received numerous positive reactions, with comments praising the adorable performance and labelling it the cutest version of “Tauba Tauba.”

Record label Saregama commented, “Can we just say we are all hearts for this version of Tauba Tauba,” while Amazon Prime Video remarked, “You all won this trend.” Users chimed in with sentiments like, “This is the original version of dance, and Vicky Kaushal unnecessarily made it hard,” and “They are all on fire… love it.”

The film ‘Bad Newz’, which premiered on July 19, is directed by Anand Tiwari and produced by Amazon Prime, Dharma Productions, and Leo Media Collective. It stars Vicky Kaushal, Triptii Dimri, and Ammy Virk. The story revolves around a rare condition called heteropaternal superfecundation, where twins are born to the same mother but have different biological fathers. The film’s unique plot and Vicky Kaushal’s engaging performance have contributed to its popularity and the viral dance trend.