Amidst an internet overflow of tales of transitory relationships, an elderly couple married for 60 years’ love story across the internet has won hearts. A video shared by Instagram creator Anish Bhagat powerfully narrates the enduring bond between his grandparents and leaves viewers emotional. The heartfelt tribute raises a poignant question: “Does love like this exist in this generation?” As poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning once wrote, “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways,” this story reminds us of the profound depths love can reach when nurtured over a lifetime.
The video begins with Bhagat recounting his grandparents’ inspiring relationship. “My grandparents have been married for 60 years. They are at the age where they keep getting unwell. This time, Dadu was admitted to the hospital in the ICU,” he shares. The scene shifts to Dadu’s return home, greeted warmly and cared for by Dadi, who lovingly prepares food for him.
One profoundly emotional scene is when Dadi is bringing a bouquet of flowers for Dadu as one family member mockingly quips that he has brought Bahao Phool Barasao, Merah Mehboob Aaya Hai. She gives feed to Dadu with her hands, where Bhagat says that “Shayad yehi pyaar hota hai.”
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The comment section of the video is full of adoration. A user wrote, “Nazar don’t even try to come near them!!!”. Another wrote, “Yours is the home I want to build”. The third said, “Expecting this kind of relationship in this era of situationship. God bless them.” Humor had its way, and someone quipped, “Dada ji ne kon sa vrat kiya tha?”