Communal tensions surged in the Madhuban area of Udaipur, Rajasthan, following the stabbing of a Class 10 student by a fellow student at a government school on Friday. Officials reported that the situation escalated significantly in the evening, leading to the closure of markets in Bapu Bazar, Hathipole, Ghanta Ghar, Chetak Circle, and surrounding areas. To manage the unrest, prohibitory orders under Section 144 were enforced, and the district administration decided to shut down the internet for 24 hours starting at 10 p.m. tonight.

Incident Details and Initial Response

The exact cause of the stabbing at the Government Higher Secondary School in Bhattiyani Chohatta remains unclear. The injured student, now in stable condition in the ICU, was initially rumored to have died from the attack. This misinformation led to widespread arson and vandalism, with several vehicles set on fire. In response to the violence, Section 144 was imposed in Udaipur to maintain public order and safety. Authorities are actively investigating the incident.

Official Statements and Actions

District Collector Arvind Poswal confirmed that the injured student is stable and being treated in the ICU. The accused student and his father have been arrested. Poswal urged residents to refrain from spreading false rumors and assured them that the situation is under control and closely monitored.

The stabbing occurred in the Surajpol police station area, where one student repeatedly stabbed another in the thigh with a knife. A school teacher promptly took the victim to MB Hospital. The District Education Officer and local police arrived at the scene, where panic spread due to false reports of the student’s death.

Public Reaction and Unrest

The false death rumor incited anger among local residents, who gathered at the hospital demanding strict action. This unrest led to the closure of markets and further incidents of violence, including the burning of at least three cars and stone-pelting by members of various Hindu groups.

Police and Administrative Measures

In response to the escalating unrest, additional police forces, including IPS Rajendra Prasad Goyal, were deployed to restore order. The Police Headquarters in Jaipur, including Director General of Police (DGP) UR Sahu and Additional Director General (ADG) Law and Order Vishal Bansal, monitored the situation closely. They instructed Udaipur Range officers to take immediate action against those inciting violence and to maintain public harmony.

Despite these efforts, tensions remain high in Udaipur. Clashes and stone-pelting were reported in the Aiyad area late Thursday night. The police have responded with force and maintained a heavy presence to ensure stability.