After the Coldplay performance in Ahmedabad, lead singer Chris Martin chose to walk with his girlfriend, actress Dakota Johnson instead of a car. Videos on social media on Monday shared the views of the couple walking down the road, laughing and chatting as security and police kept them safe. Behind them followed a large crowd where many were greeting Chris, who reciprocated with a smile.

Chris wore a blue T-shirt, denim jeans, and shoes, whereas Dakota wore a white top and black trousers. The video was captioned, “Chris Martin walking on Judges Bungalow road right after the show in Ahmedabad.”


How did the Fans React?

Different comments from fans cropped up regarding the video. One asked for stronger security measures to prevent such incidents from happening again in the future, while another wrote about how safe Ahmedabad is, stating it is “a safe home to millions.” One fan commented that the couple is very simple and another, “Let him relax for a bit, guys.” Another user commented, “They have so much to teach our celebrities.”

Chris Martin’s Tribute to India

During the concert on Sunday at Ahmedabad, Chris Martin paid his tribute to India for the 76th Republic Day by singing Vande Mataram and Maa Tujhhe Salaam. He ended it with, ‘Salute to Mother India’, and wished everyone a happy Republic Day.

Coldplay’s India Tour

Coldplay is set to tour India, where it will perform two shows in Mumbai on January 19 and 21, and two in Ahmedabad on January 25 and 26. The group of Chris Martin, Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman, Will Champion, and manager Phil Harvey will next tour in April in Hong Kong and South Korea.