Bellamkonda Sreenivas will be making his Bollywood debut with VV Vinayak’s film Chatrapathi. It is the Hindi remake of SS Rajamouli’s movie of the same name featuring Prabhas. The Telugu movie was released in 2005. 18 years later, the movie has been remade in Hindi with Bellamkonda Sreenivas and Nushrratt Bharuccha. On Tuesday, a grand trailer launch event was held in Mumbai in the presence of the film’s star cast. A while ago, the official trailer of Chatrapathi was launched and released on YouTube. This event set twitter ablaze, both South indian and Bollywood fans took to twitter and commented. A regular twitter user wrote- “The #ChatrapathiTrailer is a typical mass entertainer that we all love bollywood for.” Another twitter user said “Story of chatrapathi looks different keeping hindi audience in mind. This remake has the potential.”
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