Recent rumors on social media suggested that Cartoon Network was shutting down, leading to the hashtag #RIPCartoonNetwork trending. However, the channel is not closing permanently. The trend was sparked by concerns raised by animation workers about industry challenges, including layoffs and job insecurity. These issues have affected many studios despite animation’s ability to continue production during the pandemic. The hashtag was used to highlight these struggles, urging support for affected workers.
The trend began when an animation-related account shared a viral video criticizing how animation workers have been treated by studios. It claimed that despite enabling uninterrupted production during the pandemic, many animators faced job losses and project cancellations due to cost-cutting measures by big studios. Social media users joined in, sharing their favorite Cartoon Network memories alongside the hashtag #RIPCartoonNetwork.
While the hashtag caused confusion, Cartoon Network itself is not shutting down. The hashtag was used by animation workers to raise awareness about industry challenges. It serves as a reminder of the difficulties faced by those in the animation field and the need for better support for industry workers.