A wedding in Navipet, Telangana’s Nizamabad district, erupted into violence on August 28 over a mutton curry dispute. Tensions flared when the groom’s party noticed they had been served less mutton than expected.

A group of young men from the groom’s side confronted the cook about the portion sizes, leading to a heated argument between the bride’s and groom’s families. The confrontation escalated, with both sides throwing stones and sticks.

A viral video of the chaos, which shows injured guests and bystanders trying to intervene, circulated on social media the next day.

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Local police and residents stepped in to restore order. Authorities reported eight injuries and have filed a case against 11 individuals involved in the clash.

Such disputes are not uncommon in Telangana, where mutton holds significant cultural value, especially during weddings. Even minor issues with meat portions can lead to severe conflicts due to strong cultural expectations.