In a shocking incident in Hyderabad, Balwinder Singh, a 25-year-old man, was arrested for allegedly shooting his girlfriend’s father, Revant Anand, with an air gun. The altercation occurred on Sunday after Revant reportedly decided to end his daughter Manveeta’s relationship with Balwinder and sent her to the United States. This decision led to a violent confrontation between Balwinder and Anand at the latter’s residence in Venkateswara Colony.

Shooting Captured on CCTV

The incident unfolded when Balwinder, a former classmate of Anand’s daughter, visited Anand’s house to confront him. An argument escalated quickly, leading Balwinder to pull out an air gun and shoot Anand in the right eye, causing serious injury.


CCTV footage from the scene partially recorded the event, showing Balwinder entering the building with the gun and fleeing shortly after firing the shot. In his attempt to escape, he also caused damage to Anand’s car’s windshield. The video of the altercation has gone viral, shared widely on social media platforms.

Accusations and Legal Actions

Following the shooting, Revant Anand filed a complaint with the police, claiming that Balwinder had been persistently harassing his daughter under the pretense of love. This ongoing harassment had led to previous disputes between Balwinder and Anand.

In response to the complaint, the Hyderabad Police registered a case under Section 109 (attempted murder) of the Indian Penal Code, along with provisions from the Arms Act. Balwinder was promptly arrested and taken into custody by Saroornagar Police. Meanwhile, Anand, 57, is undergoing medical treatment for his eye injury. Authorities are continuing their investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident and the alleged harassment.