A video of senior BJP leader Raosaheb Danve allegedly kicking a party worker during an event has surfaced on social media, sparking strong reactions from the public. The video, which went viral on November 12, reportedly shows Danve behaving dismissively toward the worker during a felicitation ceremony for fellow BJP leader Khotkar. In the footage, Danve appears to push the worker away with his foot as the individual tries to approach him, igniting controversy online.
The incident has triggered a wave of criticism, especially on Twitter. User @mrjethwani_ described Danve as “an arrogant BJP leader,” arguing that the act symbolizes how the party allegedly mistreats ordinary citizens after gaining power. Many BJP-RSS supporters expressed disappointment, with some vowing to “show BJP their place” during the next elections.
Other comments highlighted concerns over perceived arrogance within the BJP and its alliance, Mahayuti, predicting that incidents like this could impact the party’s standing in the upcoming elections as voters call for accountability.