A video has recently gone viral on social media, capturing the attention and reactions of viewers worldwide. The clip shows a woman eating a live crab, a practice that might seem shocking to many outside East Asian countries, where some exotic dishes are common.

Viral Video Stuns Viewers

The video, shared on the Instagram account @monsterpredators2024, features a woman dressed in formal attire, appearing as if she is ready to head to the office. Standing in a kitchen, she is seen with a large tub of crab soup in front of her. Using a big spoon, she fills her plate with crabs before picking up a live crab and eating it. The shocking footage has garnered over 20 million views, with many users expressing their disgust in the comments.

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One user commented, “Hey, I was eating food and I vomited,” while another linked the practice to the spread of diseases, stating, “The Coronavirus spread because of all these things.” A third commenter questioned the ethics of the act, writing, “Hey, why are you people killing a mute creature to satisfy your hunger?”

Cultural Differences in Cuisine

While eating crabs is common across various countries, including India and many Western nations, the manner in which they are consumed varies widely. In East Asia, the consumption of exotic animals like snakes, dogs, and bats is not unheard of, though it often shocks those from different cultural backgrounds. The viral video adds to this ongoing conversation about the differences in dietary practices around the world.

Crabs are enjoyed in a variety of ways globally. In some regions, entire crabs, including their shells, are consumed, as seen with soft-shell crabs. In other cases, just the claws or legs are eaten, especially with larger species like the snow crab. In Southeast Asia, spices are commonly used to enhance the flavor, with dishes like masala crab and chili crab being popular examples.

This incident highlights how cultural culinary practices can sometimes clash, especially when shared on global platforms like social media, leading to both fascination and controversy.