A series of chilling videos shared by Mohammad Alam, a resident of Bhagalpur, Bihar, have sparked widespread outrage across social media platforms. The content creator, known for his Instagram presence, was caught engaging in disturbing acts of animal cruelty, which has since gone viral. In one of the videos, the man man ties dog to tree upside down, kicking and swinging it to the shock of viewers. These heartless acts, captured for the sake of social media reels, have drawn severe condemnation from animal lovers and activists alike.
Viral Videos Raise Concerns Over Animal Abuse
The videos, depicting the brutal treatment of the dog, have raised serious concerns about the growing trend of using animals for viral stunts. In one instance, Alam is shown repeatedly kicking the dog while it is tied to a tree, while in another, he swings the animal from a tree branch by its leash. The distressing images of the helpless dog have angered online users, many of whom have called for strict legal action against Alam. Despite being uploaded as “stunts” for online attention, these clips have instead sparked a conversation about the urgent need to curb animal abuse.
Take cognizance immediately @PoliceBhagalpur @bihar_police@dmbhagalpur
This boy has crossed all limits of brutality with his dog.From causing pain & horrifying acts like throwing the dog into fire & hanging it upside down from a tree etc this is nothing short of barbaric/crime pic.twitter.com/gIf1e4KKJK
— Tarun Agarwal (@AntiCrueltyCell) January 4, 2025
Activists Demand Action and Accountability
Animal activist Tarun Agarwal was among the first to report the incident on social media, tagging local authorities to urge immediate action. He described Alam’s actions as “barbaric” and called for punishment. Mumbai-based police officer and animal rescuer Sudhir Kudalkar also condemned the incident, noting how some individuals exploit their pets in pursuit of online fame. Kudalkar’s repost of the video emphasised the distress caused to the animal for a fleeting moment of fame.
Public Outcry and Calls for Justice
The viral nature of the videos has led to a surge of reactions from internet users. Many are demanding justice for the dog and the immediate arrest of Alam. One user wrote, “CATCH HIM SIRRRRRR! Hit him like this onlyyy,” while another expressed horror, stating, “Punish him… I am just scared of thinking what may have happened behind the camera. So many incidents like this must have been happening that we don’t even know. Strict action is needed.”
The Need for Stronger Regulations Against Animal Cruelty
As the videos continue to circulate, animal rights advocates are calling for stricter laws and regulations to prevent such incidents from recurring. The demand for swift legal action against Alam has intensified, with online users and animal activists joining forces to ensure the safety and welfare of animals used for social media stunts.
The viral videos of Mohammad Alam’s cruel behaviour toward a dog have highlighted the pressing need for more awareness and stronger laws against animal cruelty. As the online community rallies for justice, the hope is to prevent future incidents of such abuse and ensure that those responsible face appropriate consequences for their actions. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the responsibility we have in treating animals with dignity and respect.