Chief Minister Mohan Yadav was recently seen brewing tea for a local vendor during his visit to Chitrakoot Dham in Satna, capturing the hearts of many on social media. A video shared on his official X handle shows the CM enthusiastically interacting with a woman tea stall owner named Radha, asking her, “Mai banau kya? (Shall I make the tea?)” to which she happily agreed.
After stepping off the barricade, CM Yadav grated ginger for the tea and engaged in light-hearted conversation with Radha. When his wife, Seema Yadav, inquired whether he had prepared tea for her, the CM responded with a smile, “Yeh humari behan hai, tum thodi ho! Bhai behan ko chai pilayega…” (She is my sister, but you are not. A brother will offer tea to his sister).
In addition to making tea, CM Mohan Yadav purchased local products and emphasized the importance of cashless transactions, making his payment digitally. He credited Prime Minister Narendra Modi for promoting cashless payments in India, noting that they have become a pillar of the nation’s economy.
While visiting Chitrakoot Dham, the CM Mohan Yadav also took a moment to offer prayers for the welfare of the people, underlining his commitment to community engagement and development. This delightful interaction has not only highlighted CM Yadav’s approachable nature but has also sparked positive conversations around local businesses and digital payments in the region.
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