The popular ‘Chill Guy’ meme, featuring an anthropomorphic brown dog, has arrived in Bengaluru, with a mural spotted in HSR Layout Sector 1. A user on X (formerly Twitter) shared an image of the painting on Thursday, showcasing the laid-back character in his iconic look: a grey sweater, rolled-up blue jeans, red sneakers, and a cool smirk, with his paws casually tucked in his pockets.
Although the meme exudes chill vibes online, Bengaluru’s wall painting has stirred mixed responses. Some locals found it amusing, while others felt it didn’t quite capture the essence of the meme. One commenter joked, “He looks like he’s judging me instead of radiating chill vibes.” Another resident observed, “He doesn’t look chilled.”
For those unfamiliar, ‘Chill Guy’ is a meme centered on a long-faced dog symbolizing confidence and calmness. Also known as the “My Character” meme, it has captured global attention and even infiltrated the cryptocurrency market, where it’s associated with a crypto token.
However, the meme’s creator, Philip Banks, has taken steps to safeguard his artwork. In a statement on X, Banks revealed that the “Chill Guy” meme is now copyrighted and that he plans to take legal action against unauthorized commercial uses, particularly in crypto. “I will never give permission to use my art for anything crypto-related,” Banks declared, vowing to issue takedown notices for profit-driven exploitation of his work.
Despite its humorous appeal, Bengaluru’s rendition of the meme has ignited a conversation about artistic interpretation and the global reach of internet culture.
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