Online deliveries have become a routine part of modern life, but an unusual incident in Bengaluru recently took everyone by surprise. While delivery agents often request tips or a glass of water, one customer encountered a truly unexpected ask: an onion. The bizarre interaction was shared on Reddit by a Bengaluru resident, leaving social media users scratching their heads and coming up with theories.

The user recounted the experience, explaining that after placing a grocery order in the evening, the delivery agent arrived on time. Following the exchange, the delivery agent made an unusual request: “Sir, ek pyaaz mil sakta hai kya?” (Sir, can I get an onion?).

Puzzled, the customer asked why he needed an onion. The delivery agent simply replied, “Aise hi, khaane ke liye” (Just to eat). Amused, the customer handed him the onion and jokingly asked if he was planning any “tantra mantra” (black magic). The agent smiled innocently and denied it.

The customer later shared, “After he left taking the onion, my wife and I discussed whether he genuinely needed it to eat or had some other reason. My wife joked that onions are so expensive here, maybe he’s asking every customer for one to gather enough for his meals.”

Instamart delivery guy asked for onion (Bangalore)
byu/yashwantptl7 inAskIndia

Social Media Reactions

The post quickly went viral on Reddit, gathering over 1,100 upvotes and numerous comments. Many users speculated about the delivery agent’s intentions. Some believed he might have been unable to afford onions due to rising prices, while others humorously entertained the black magic angle.

“If this was around lunchtime, he was probably wanting the onion to eat along with whatever vegetable and roti he had. Should’ve asked him why and given him pickle too,” one user commented.

Another wrote, “If you are scared of tantra mantra, you could have just given him a hundred rupees as a tip because obviously, the guy is hungry, and that way you could be free in your mind.”

Theories and Humor

A few users turned the incident into a running joke. One remarked, “Could he be the same guy who asked for two tomatoes yesterday from me while delivering? Now this is getting interesting. Is anyone out there who was asked for potatoes? I’m guessing he’s up to tomato-potato mesh.”

Some questioned the language used. “I am amazed to see the delivery guy asked onion in Hindi and that too in Bangalore, sounds suspicious,” one user noted.

Others dismissed the black magic theory altogether. “Who even thinks of black magic when someone asks for one onion? Is that a thing now? I would think it strange for sure but never would have thought in the line of tantra mantra,” commented another.

While the reason behind the request remains unclear, the incident has sparked plenty of laughter and debate online. One user summed it up: “Whatever his intentions were, OP, I respect you for giving him one onion.”