The couple’s downfall came after Urmila Kumari posted a video on October 18 showing their balcony garden, which included nearly two dozen plants. However, the video also showcased two suspicious saplings, which were later identified as ganja plants. This caught the attention of social media users, prompting discussions that led to a police investigation. On November 5, Bengaluru police raided their residence, following the online buzz.
Upon questioning, the couple initially denied any involvement with the plants. However, the authorities noticed that two pots had been hastily emptied, which led them to suspect an attempt to destroy the evidence. After further interrogation, Sagar and Urmila confessed to cultivating cannabis in their garden, admitting that they intended to sell the drug. The couple directed the officers to a nearby dustbin, where they had discarded the ganja plants. In total, the police seized 54 grams of cannabis from 17 pots, two of which contained ganja.
The police have filed charges against the couple under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act for allegedly growing ganja for commercial sale. Additionally, they seized Kumari’s phone, which she had used to upload the video. Authorities suspect that the couple was engaged in the illegal cultivation of cannabis, with plans to distribute the substance for profit. The investigation is ongoing, as police continue to explore the couple’s activities and potential involvement in a larger drug network.
This case highlights the growing risks of social media and the potential for individuals to unintentionally expose illegal activities. The couple’s carelessness in sharing their garden video has now led to their arrest and a serious criminal charge.
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