Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s recent slogan, “Batenge to Katenge” (if divided, we will be decimated), has sparked significant attention across India. Initially used to encourage unity and rally support during political campaigns, the phrase has now found its way into unexpected places, including wedding invitations, stirring both admiration and criticism. Although the slogan has faced some controversy, its reach has expanded beyond Uttar Pradesh and found a unique platform in other states, particularly among BJP supporters.

From Political Rally to Wedding Invitation

The slogan’s influence has transcended political rallies and entered the realm of personal celebrations, with some even using it on wedding invitations. In Gujarat, a BJP worker from Bhavnagar printed the slogan on his brother’s wedding card. This unusual combination of politics and personal life has led to widespread discussions on social media, further amplifying the slogan’s impact. The invitation, set to be sent out for a wedding on November 23, also features images of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Lord Ram of Ayodhya, blending religious and political symbols in a deeply personal context.


A Symbol of Unity and Hindu Cohesion

The phrase “Batenge to Katenge” was initially introduced by Yogi Adityanath during an election rally in Haryana, promoting Hindu unity amidst recent challenges faced by the Hindu community, particularly in Bangladesh. The slogan has been strongly embraced by the RSS, which has long advocated for Hindu cohesion beyond caste and social divides. BJP leaders have incorporated this slogan into their political campaigns, reinforcing a message of unity and solidarity among Hindus.

Political Relevance and Expansion

As the slogan gains traction, senior BJP leaders have rallied behind it, using it to further solidify their stance on Hindu unity. Prime Minister Modi has also introduced his message of unity, “Ek Hain, To Safe Hain” (We are one, we are safe) for the Maharashtra assembly elections. The combination of these slogans has created a powerful political narrative ahead of the state elections, emphasizing solidarity among the Hindu community as a unifying force.

Political Influence in Everyday Life

The incorporation of Yogi Adityanath’s slogan into a wedding invitation highlights the growing influence of political messages in daily life. While the trend may be controversial, it demonstrates how deeply embedded political themes can be, even in the most personal aspects of people’s lives. The slogan’s shift from the political stage to the wedding card symbolizes the ongoing blend of politics and culture in contemporary India.