Recently, students at Dhaka University staged an unique protest against the administration when they blasted music outside a university building. A viral video on social media shows that large group of students is standing near a rickshaw that has a speaker mounted at the top. The students were dancing and cheering when Haryanvi star Sapna Choudhary’s popular song “Teri Aakhya Ka Yo Kajal” blasts from the loudspeaker.
The protest was initiated due to the complaints of the girls’ hostel regarding “noise pollution” around their building. The students claimed that the Vice Chancellor did not respond to their grievances and hence decided to take action by putting loudspeakers outside the VC’s office. The post on social media elaborated, “Dhaka University VC allegedly didn’t take action vs noise pollution near female hall, so female students put loudspeakers in front of VC house.”
Many online viewers found the protest funny and different. The comment from one Indian user: “Bangladeshi students playing Haryanvi songs to protest wasn’t on my bingo card.” Others appreciated the ingenuity with which the protest was put up, as seen in “This is the smartest way of protest,” “Makes complete sense considering they were trying to create the same levels of noise pollution.”
Earlier in 2024, Dhaka University had witnessed mass protests due to a High Court verdict to reinstate the quota for freedom fighters in government jobs.
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