A Bengaluru autorickshaw driver, Pavan Kumar, shared a viral video claiming that a woman passenger booked two vehicles for the same trip, sparking confusion and an argument. According to Pavan, the woman used two different apps—Ola and Rapido—to book separate rides, leading to a dispute when both drivers arrived at the pick-up location.
Pavan alleged that the woman booked his auto through Ola but refused to admit it while seated in the Rapido vehicle. The passenger acknowledged comparing rates on Ola but denied completing a booking. Pavan, however, insisted he had received a confirmed booking under her name.
When the Rapido driver delayed starting the trip, the situation escalated. Pavan demanded proof that the woman had not booked his ride, but she refused to provide it. The argument intensified, with the woman resorting to verbal abuse and, at one point, allegedly attempting to physically confront Pavan. The heated exchange was captured on video by Pavan and later shared online.
After the video gained traction on social media, Bengaluru police reacted to Pavan’s post, requesting his contact details and the location of the incident. The woman reportedly claimed that the Ola app used by Pavan was malfunctioning and denied having booked a ride with him.
The incident has sparked debate online, with users divided over the conflicting accounts. While the truth remains unclear, the video highlights the challenges faced by drivers and passengers in navigating app-based ride services.
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