Veteran actor Annu Kapoor, widely regarded for his stellar acting skills, has left netizens buzzing with his latest ad for Durex Close Fit Condom. Known for his iconic roles, Kapoor’s foray into the world of advertising has garnered attention for a unique reason this time.

The ad features Kapoor in a white kurta pyjama, delivering an impactful monologue about the essence of true friendship. However, the twist comes when viewers realize that the “true friend” he speaks of is none other than Durex Close Fit Condom.

Kapoor’s “Sacha Dost” Monologue Shocks and Delights

In his signature style, Annu Kapoor says:
“Ek sacha dost wahi hai jo harr paristhi mein aapke saath khara rehta hai. Durex Close Fit Condom, aapka sacha dost.” (A true friend stands by you in all circumstances. Durex Close Fit Condom, your true friend.)

The ad, shared by Durex India’s official handle on social media, quickly went viral with the caption: “Nolan: 0, Annu Kapoor: 1”, referencing the ad’s clever “twist.”

Netizens React to Daring Representation

The ad, which features a gay couple, has sparked widespread conversation online. Viewers are praising Kapoor for embracing such a bold concept, with many applauding the brand for its inclusive message.