Punjabi superstar Diljit Dosanjh recently kicked off his 2024 India Tour with a lively opening performance in Delhi, set to cover ten cities by year-end. During his global concert tour, Dosanjh’s interactions with fans frequently gained attention, including a heartwarming moment where he gifted his jacket to an emotional fan at a past show. However, this act of kindness has resurfaced online, attracting both admiration and unwarranted criticism directed at the woman’s husband, who attended the concert with her.
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In an unfortunate twist, controversial influencer Andrew Tate chimed in on the viral post shared on X (formerly Twitter), leaving a derogatory comment, “Bet it stinks of curry.” This remark, which quickly drew backlash, reignited debates over Tate’s ongoing inflammatory behavior on social media. The British-American influencer, who refers to himself as a “self-proclaimed misogynist,” has a history of incendiary statements. While Tate is currently facing legal issues, including a high-profile trial in Romania on charges related to sexual assault and human trafficking, his remark here has added to his reputation for stoking controversy.
Originally aired last month, the viral video captures the emotional exchange between Dosanjh and his fan, with her husband visibly touched by the gesture. Tate’s comment has overshadowed the positive moment, stirring up further discussions about respect and fan interactions in the celebrity world. Meanwhile, Dosanjh’s tour continues with strong support, his global reach growing as his fans rally behind him despite online negativity.