A woman from Andhra Pradesh, Kavita, has released a video alleging severe physical and mental abuse by her employers in Kuwait. Kavita, who hails from the Annamayya district, pleaded for help from Andhra Pradesh Minister Ram Prasad Reddy, stating that she has been subjected to torture while working in Kuwait.

In her emotional appeal, Kavita said, “Please save me, sir. I am being tortured here. I have two children and a disabled husband. I came to Kuwait for their sake, but I am being subjected to injustice.” She further claimed that her employer had locked her in a room, denied her food, and placed her under house arrest. The agent who facilitated her travel had reportedly threatened her and blocked her phone, cutting off her communication with her family and authorities.

In response, Minister Reddy has reached out to Union Minister Kondapalli Srinivas, seeking immediate intervention to secure Kavita’s safe return to India. Her case sheds light on the hardships faced by many migrant workers in the Gulf under the Kafala system, which often leads to exploitation and abuse by local employers.