Childhood friends Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant are getting married today, July 12, at the Jio World Convention Center in Mumbai’s Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC). As the son of Asia’s richest man Mukesh Ambani ties the knot, the family is going all out to make the wedding unforgettable. Nita Ambani personally tastes chaat in Varanasi and invites the vendor to set up a chat booth at a grand wedding to add Gujarati snacks to the celebration. The event promises a unique blend of luxury and cultural heritage. And there’s more! Astrologers can read their fortunes on the spot.
The Ambani family set up a star reading station at the venue, allowing customers to receive personal guidance or predictions.
The wedding honors the holy city of Varanasi by celebrating its traditions, culture, arts, crafts and food. Guests can enjoy fragrances in the atari shop, smell flowers in the flower shop, buy bracelets from bracelet sellers, watch a puppet show and take fun photos in the photo studio.
The wedding also features Dashaavatar, an immersive audiovisual journey into India’s spiritual history.
Global artists to perform
Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding will be a musical fantasy with famous artists performing for the guests. Participants will be welcomed with a symphony of Hindustani classical ragas performed by renowned musicians.
Hariharan, Shankar Mahadevan and Shreya Ghoshal perform their hit songs while K’naan, Rema and Luis Fonsi bring international style with their chart-topping hits.
Amit Trivedi and Pritam and singers Mame Khan, Neeti Mohan, Kavita Seth and group Punjabi Boliya will be the featured guests. Sivamani and Jea Brass Band keep the energy high with electric drum sounds.
Harrdy Sandhu, Sanju Rathod and Honey Singh will end the party with their popular Bollywood songs..
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