Indore’s renowned dancing traffic cop, Ranjeet Singh, has become a source of Monday Motivation for industrialist Anand Mahindra. Mahindra shared a video of Singh on social media, praising the constable’s unique approach to traffic management. For the past 16 years, Singh has been incorporating Michael Jackson’s iconic ‘moonwalk’ dance moves into his traffic control routine in Indore, making him a local sensation.
In the clip shared by Mahindra, Singh can be seen enthusiastically managing traffic on a busy Indore road, captivating onlookers with his dance steps. Mahindra, inspired by Singh’s energy and innovative style, remarked, “This cop proves that there is NO such thing as boring work.” The video has garnered attention online, showcasing Singh’s dedication and creativity in his job.
Ranjeet Singh has become an internet sensation, boasting over 300,000 followers on Instagram, where he regularly shares videos of his unique traffic management techniques. His popularity continues to grow as he brings a touch of joy and entertainment to his work, breaking the monotony of everyday traffic duties.
Anand Mahindra, who has a substantial following of over 11 million on X (formerly Twitter), often shares motivational messages and videos to inspire his audience. In a recent post, Mahindra highlighted the importance of developing problem-solving skills, urging his followers to adopt a positive and proactive approach to life. His support for Singh underscores the value of passion and creativity in any profession, encouraging people to find joy and purpose in their work.