Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai became a memorable affair not just for the couple but also for their beloved Golden Retriever, Happy. The star-studded ceremony, held on Friday, witnessed the emotional union of the Ambani and Merchant families after months of lavish pre-wedding festivities across India and abroad.
Happy, the golden retriever, made a delightful appearance at the wedding mandap adorned in a stunning Banarasi silk brocade jacket. His pink and golden attire perfectly complemented the festive spirit, capturing the attention of attendees and social media alike.
Videos of Happy calmly sitting on the mandap during the rituals, occasionally glancing around, melted hearts online. The furry guest’s presence added a touch of warmth and charm to the proceedings.
In a heartwarming moment, Baby Aadiyashakti, daughter of Isha Ambani, approached Happy during the ceremony, showering him with affectionate hugs, while her father Anand Piramal looked on fondly.
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