The Indian Army and Jammu and Kashmir Police averted a significant tragedy as a bus transporting Amarnath Yatra pilgrims lost control on Tuesday on National Highway 44 in Ramban district. The bus, traveling from Amarnath to Hoshiarpur, reportedly suffered brake failure. The pilgrims on board were from Punjab.
A video circulated on social media depicted pilgrims jumping out of the moving bus. Prompt action by security forces averted the bus from plummeting into a ravine. Thankfully, no fatalities were reported in the incident.
Officials stated that the bus carried 40 pilgrims returning to Hoshiarpur, Punjab. They explained that upon reaching Nachlana near Banihal, the driver was unable to halt the vehicle due to brake failure, resulting in ten injuries, including six men, three women, and one child.
Witnessing pilgrims leaping from the bus, Army troops and police reacted swiftly, using stones to halt the bus’s descent towards a stream. Quick Reaction Teams and ambulances were dispatched, providing medical aid and first aid to the injured on-site.
Disturbing visuals captured people escaping the bus while security forces raced to prevent it from tumbling into the gorge.