With Pushpa 2 hitting theatres on December 5, fans in India went on to celebrate the much-awaited sequel. But a cinema hall in Thrissur, Kerala, witnessed an extraordinary display of fan enthusiasm that has now gone viral.
Amid all the excitement, a painted topless man in full colours grabbed eyeballs, recreating the iconic look of Allu Arjun in the glorious dance sequence “Kaali Mahaa Kaali“. The man was identified as Dasan, who is known as Pulikali artist with years of experience.
Dasan’s body was painted blue, with uncolored palms, while his face displayed vivid shades of red and green, resembling the Devi-inspired look from the film. A stunning nose ring completed his bold appearance, drawing significant attention.
Not satisfied with that, Dasan recreated Allu Arjun‘s moves and poses, from the fire hand wave to the wildfire stance, as he walked through the cinema hall, dancing to drumbeats, taking selfies, and thrilling the crowds.
Internet tributes by Dasan have surfaced concerning Pushpa 2, which the vlogger Mukesh Mohan uploaded on his Instagram. With an incredible count of nearly 9.7 million views, the video was brimming with Dasan’s infectious energy.
The Kerala man’s tribute not only depicts his creativity but also the deep cultural connection and love fans share for cinematic icons like Allu Arjun.
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