The movie OMG 2 has shown growth at the box office on its 16th day of release, earning Rs3.25 crore. The film’s India total now stands at Rs 131.3 crore. . OMG 2, which is a sequel to Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal’s 2012 film OMG – Oh My God, had released on August 10. It features Akshay, Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam in lead roles. The film has been receiving positive reviews from critics and audiences alike, and its strong performance at the box office reflects its popularity. The film addresses a range of social issues and religious beliefs in a satirical and humorous manner, making it a must-watch for fans of socially conscious cinema. With its continued success at the box office, OMG 2 is set to become one of the biggest hits of the year. OMG 2 is directed by Amit Rai and produced by Viacom 18 Studios, Wakaoo Films, and Cape Of Good Films. Akshay Kumar, who is riding high on the success of OMG 2, arrived in Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh to shoot for his next film.
OMG 2 collected Rs3.25 crore nett in India in all languages in theatres. The Akshay Kumar film had earned around Rs 1.7 crore. OMG 2 had an overall 43.97 percent Hindi occupancy. OMG 2’s total earnings after 16 days in theatres stand at around Rs131.37 crore, as per the portal. The film had opened at Rs 10.26 crore and collected Rs 85.05 crore nett in all languages in its first week. OMG 2’s highest day-wise earning was Rs 17.1 crore on day 5 of its release.