Adipurush, Prabhas’ upcoming movie, is one of the most eagerly anticipated movies of 2023. The final phase of promotions has begun because the movie’s debut is only two weeks away. Recently, the Adipurush team made an announcement regarding the release. Going by the statement, one seat in every theatre will be unsold during Adipurush screening. This unsold seat will be dedicated to Lord Hanuman to celebrate the beliefs of people. Here’s what netizens have to say about this, first user says, “Bhagwan Hanuman Ji is Chiranjeevi, so team #Adipurush decided to vacate one seat in each and every theatre across the globe for Hanuman ji. Divine Bhakti towards Prabhu Shree Ram Bhakts. Jai Jai Shree Ram.” Second user says, “A Man of Selfless Devotion. Symbol of Power, Courage, Strength.#JaiHanuman.” Another user says, “Disrespecting others religious beliefs doesn’t make you look cool . Some christians are questioning the existence of ramanya and some are trolling the Hanuman ji initiative taken by the #adipurush team . It’s sad to see the mindset of such people.”
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