Actor Ajith Kumar, who is in Dubai for the upcoming 24H Dubai 2025 endurance race, met with a crash during a practice session. The accident happened just minutes before the six-hour endurance test concluded, when his car spun out of control and hit the barriers.
Ajith, owner of the Ajith Kumar Racing team, was scheduled to race with his teammates Mathieu Detry, Fabian Duffieux, and Cameron McLeod. The team manager Fabian Duffieux, who became the team manager last December, took over leadership duties. The video released by the team shows Ajith’s car spinning seven times after impact. He was quickly rescued and taken to an ambulance.
Suresh Chandra, Ajith’s manager, gave an update on the actor’s condition, assuring fans that Ajith was unharmed and in good health. “He was driving at a speed of 180 kmph when the crash occurred,” Chandra noted.
Ajith Kumar’s massive crash in practise, but he walks away unscathed.
Another day in the office … that’s racing!#ajithkumarracing #ajithkumar— Ajithkumar Racing (@Akracingoffl) January 7, 2025
Ajith is an avid driver and biker and had been preparing hard with his team for the 24-hour relay race. Each member was supposed to drive for six hours, and the event was likely to be a debut for Ajith Kumar Racing in the endurance racing circuit.
However, with this setback, Ajith has been keeping in good spirits as he looks forward to other races.