Abhinav Arora, a young spiritual content creator, has voiced his sorrow over the online backlash and threats he’s faced, dampening his Diwali celebrations this year. In a recent statement, Arora shared his regret, expressing that he didn’t fully understand the decorum expected at Swami Rambhadracharya’s event. Reflecting on the change from past celebrations, he said, “Last Diwali was filled with happiness… but this year, the trolls and YouTubers have taken that joy away. Mistakes happen when you’re young, right?” The 10-year-old also recalled, “Last Diwali, I was joyful because Lord Ram invited me to his home,” capturing how the criticism has impacted his festive spirit.
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Who Is Abhinav Arora?
Abhinav Arora, a 10-year-old spiritual content creator, has captivated a large audience with his devotional teachings and deep reverence for Hindu deities, particularly Lord Krishna and Radha. With over 9.5 lakh followers on Instagram, Abhinav shares insights into Hindu festivals, scriptures, and his interactions with prominent religious figures, making a profound impact through videos that showcase him in prayer, imparting spiritual wisdom, and displaying moving moments, such as an emotional farewell to Lord Ganesh during visarjan. Recognized for his contribution, he was honored in December 2023 by Union Minister Nitin Gadkari as India’s Youngest Spiritual Orator.
In another recent viral video, young spiritual orator Abhinav Arora, also known as ‘Bal Sant Baba,’ was seen enthusiastically dancing to a devotional song during a religious gathering, when he was interrupted by Swami Rambhadracharya. The Swami instructed his aides, saying, “Inko neeche kaho jaane ke liye” (Tell him to get off the stage). Later, Abhinav returned to the stage respectfully, with hands folded, to chant “Raja Ram Chandra bhagwan ki jai” using the Swami’s microphone. However, Swami Rambhadracharya, appearing visibly displeased, asserted, “Aap pehle neeche jao. Maryada hain meri” (You go down first. It’s my decorum), emphasizing the importance of maintaining stage decorum.