In Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, a five-year-old student has been expelled from Hilton Convent School after allegedly bringing non-vegetarian food to class. A video showing a heated exchange between the school’s principal and the student’s mother on Teachers’ Day, Thursday, has gone viral, prompting a formal investigation.
In the video, the principal claims that the student has repeatedly brought non-vegetarian food. The principal is heard saying, “Your child says that he wants to convert everyone to Islam by making them eat non-vegetarian food,” and further alleges that the student expressed a desire to “destroy Hindu temples.”
The mother responds, stating that her child has been complaining for months about religious discrimination among classmates. The principal tells her, “You are teaching this to him,” and adds that the student was not allowed to attend his class that day.
The principal then states, “I don’t want to teach him anymore. We have expelled him.”
Following the video’s circulation, Amroha’s Muslim Committee has urged the district magistrate to arrest the principal and suspend the school’s affiliation. In response, the Basic Education Officer of Amroha has assembled a team of principals from three government schools to investigate and submit a report within three days.
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