In a story that appears straight out of a soap opera, a 30-year-old mother of three from Vaishali, Bihar, married a 15-year-old boy who is still in 7th grade. The news, accompanied by videos of Seema and her young husband, quickly went viral on social media, stirring both curiosity and controversy.

Seema has never shied away from saying so, even while defending her marriage when questioned by a reporter. “Pyaar karte the, kar liye shaadi, isme galat kya hai?” (We were in love, so we got married. What’s wrong in that?). This daring response led to much debate on love, age gap, and societal expectations.

The couple’s marriage has been in controversy because of the boy’s age and educational background. Seema, however, is unperturbed, and in fact, attacked a reporter in a viral video who questioned her choices, thus highlighting her defiance of norms.

Many social media users have slammed the marriage, which was based on the boy’s age and his incomplete education. One furious user said, “I wish there was a tradition of slapping online.” Another one said, “Completely wrong! Don’t you feel ashamed doing such things with children involved?”

A woman in Saharsa, Bihar, who is married to a man with two children, has defended her decision to marry her boyfriend. In the video, which was also shared on X (formerly Twitter), the ex-husband is seen helping organize the wedding. The boyfriend was applying traditional vermilion powder, also known as Sindoor, to the forehead of the woman, showing everyone their marriage bond. The ex-husband of the woman can be heard saying that any issue that may arise in future shall be the couple’s own problem, not his.