In a remarkable sale at Tokyo’s Toyosu Market, a massive 276-kg bluefin tuna was sold for a whopping price of 207 million yen or around Rs 11 crore. The huge fish weighed as much as a motorbike and was sold to the Onodera Group, which runs a Michelin-starred sushi restaurant chain, during the annual auction.
A Price to Remember
The auction was intense, with Onodera Group emerging as the highest bidder. The group has bagged the fish for the second year running, having paid 114 million yen for a similar catch last year. This is the second highest price ever achieved for a tuna at the market after a 1999 record sale.
A Fish of Good Luck
Speaking to reporters, Shinji Nagao, official of the Onodera Group said that the purchase was meaningful. “The first tuna for the year is considered a good luck symbol. I hope those enjoying it will have a great future,” said the official.
🎣 276 Kg Bluefin tuna fetched record 207 million yen ($1.3 million) by Onodera Group at annual New Year auction at Tokyo’s Toyosu Fish Market
2nd-highest price ever for tuna at auction, which is famous for its early-morning sales
— Dr. Waqas 🩺 (@surgeonwaqas) January 6, 2025
Record-Breaking Predecessors
While this tuna’s price was jaw-dropping, it pales in comparison to a 2019 auction where a 278-kg bluefin tuna fetched 333.6 million yen (over Rs 18 crore). That fish was purchased by Kiyoshi Kimura, a renowned restaurateur famously dubbed the “Tuna King.”
Tokyo tuna auctions continue to attract international interest, reflecting the cultural significance of this delicacy in Japan but also the price tag placed on the bluefin tuna.