A devastating downpour in Andhra Pradesh has affected nearly 4.5 lakh people and claimed at least 17 lives. Torrential rains and subsequent floods have paralysed life in both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. In one notable incident, a video emerged showing two men carrying a baby in a crate through neck-deep floodwaters in Singh Nagar, Vijayawada. The scene drew comparisons to the birth of the Hindu deity Lord Krishna, with one user on X commenting, “Jai Shri Krishna of new era.”
In response to the crisis, 26 NDRF teams and 21 SDRF teams have been deployed for rescue operations. The NTR district alone has 12 SDRF and 22 NDRF teams working on the ground, with 77 shelters opened, 14,160 people rehabilitated, and 77 health camps set up for the flood victims.
Vijayawada, the hardest-hit area, is submerged due to breaches in the Budameru Vagu river, also known as the ‘Sorrow of Vijayawada.’ This has impacted 32 wards and affected 2.76 lakh people. Other severely affected districts include NTR, Guntur, Krishna, Eluru, Palnadu, Bapatla, and Prakasam, with significant crop damage reported.
Over 100 trains have been cancelled, and many others have been diverted due to waterlogging on tracks. Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has been actively involved in managing the situation. He conducted a review at the Andhra Pradesh Disaster Management Authority office and visited flood-affected areas to oversee relief efforts. In a post on X, he stated, “I visited the flood-affected areas in Vijayawada on the second day. I have personally supervised the assistance provided to the affected people. I assured them. The power boats sent by the Center and the arrangements made by the state government have increased the speed of relief operations. Public safety is our responsibility. All efforts are being made to bring people out of this unexpected calamity as soon as possible. I wish the affected people to be brave.”
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