In a powerful tale of perseverance, Kamlesh Kamtekar, a Mumbai-based graphic designer with 14 years of experience, has shared his extraordinary journey of overcoming unemployment on LinkedIn. After losing his job as an assistant creative manager, Kamtekar struggled to find new opportunities despite extensive networking and sending countless résumés. His viral post offers a candid look at the harsh realities of unemployment and the courage it takes to pivot in challenging times.
From Creative Manager to Autorickshaw Driver
Kamtekar detailed his relentless efforts to re-enter the workforce, revealing that many companies rejected him due to salary expectations exceeding their budgets. Faced with repeated rejections, he decided to take an unconventional route. “Why not start my own business and earn money at the same low salary instead of working for someone else? At least I’ll have my own income,” he wrote.
In a bold move, Kamtekar left behind his design career to become an autorickshaw driver, opting for independence over compromise. “I have sacrificed all my designing skills to drive an autorickshaw. Give me your blessings for my new business,” he concluded in his post.
Netizens Respond with Empathy
Kamtekar’s story resonated deeply, sparking an outpouring of support and empathy on LinkedIn.
One user wrote, “It’s heartbreaking to see talent like this go unrecognized. Wishing you the best in your new journey.” Another commented, “What a courageous step! More power to you, Kamlesh.”
Some users criticized hiring practices, highlighting the industry’s failure to value experience. Others admired Kamtekar’s determination to adapt. “This is such a bold decision. Kudos to you for taking control of your life,” one person remarked.
A few commenters noted that Kamtekar’s story sheds light on systemic issues within the industry. “This is the sad reality for many skilled professionals today. I hope this inspires change,” observed another user.
Kamtekar’s journey stands as a testament to resilience and self-reinvention, inspiring countless individuals facing similar struggles to take control of their destinies.