Recently, Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif’s ‘Tiger 3’ released and made a significant impact at the box office. Among these, Vikrant Massey’s ‘12th Fail’ has also successfully made its mark. Released on October 27th, ‘12th Fail’ has been steadily gaining momentum. Directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, this movie tells the story of IPS Officer Manoj Kumar Sharma, who overcame obstacles like poverty to excel in the civil services, securing top ranks. Vikrant Massey portrays this character in the film. The film has maintained decent performance from its inception until now. There was a slight decline in the earnings witnessed on Sunday. On the day of ‘Tiger 3’s’ release, the film garnered only 600,000 rupees. However, the movie’s earnings picked up pace again on Monday. The film earned 130.4 million rupees. Meanwhile, in the second week, the total collection reached 142.1 million rupees. Following that, the film earned 12.5 million rupees on the third Friday, 20.5 million on Saturday, and 600,000 on Sunday. On Monday, the film earned 18.5 million rupees. The total box office collection of ‘12th Fail’ has reached 330 million rupees. Despite being a low-budget movie, ‘12th Fail’ continues to earn millions. The release of ‘Tiger 3’ did not significantly affect its collections. ‘12th Fail’ was released alongside Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Tejas,’ which also didn’t fare much better in terms of earnings.
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