In an unusual announcement, Pavel Durov, the CEO and founder of Telegram, revealed he is offering free in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment to women willing to use his donor sperm. According to Moscow’s AltraVita IVF clinic, this offer is available for women up to the age of 37, with a limited number of slots. Durov, now 40, recently shared on his Telegram channel that he was informed he has fathered over 100 children through anonymous sperm donations.
Durov initially donated sperm to help a friend struggling with fertility issues. However, upon learning about a shortage of “high-quality donor material,” he responded to the clinic’s call for civic duty, going on to help hundreds of couples across 12 countries achieve parenthood. Despite no longer being an active donor, AltraVita clinic still holds a reserve of Durov’s frozen sperm for those interested in expanding their families.
Durov has also expressed an intention to make his DNA “open-source,” allowing his biological children to connect with each other more easily in the future. He credits this choice to his belief in technology’s role in bringing people together.
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