A recent incident outside the Hindu Sabha Temple in Brampton, Canada, has sparked widespread outrage after a pro-Khalistani mob reportedly attacked Hindu devotees, including women and children. The attack occurred during a consular event organized by the Hindu Sabha Temple and the Indian Consulate. Videos circulated online show violent clashes, with individuals using poles and engaging in fistfights on the temple grounds. Peel Police officers, deployed to maintain order, have been accused by some temple-goers of excessive use of force, including “assaulting” devotees. A video shared on social media by commentator Daniel Bordman shows officers allegedly striking attendees with batons, though the footage’s authenticity remains unverified by Times Now Digital.
In one video clip, a female attendee can be seen accusing a police officer of targeting Hindu community members. As the situation grew tense, the crowd chanted demands for the officer to be removed from the scene. The incident and the police response have fueled discussions on social media, with accusations that Canadian authorities are failing to address growing tensions between the Indian and pro-Khalistani communities.
Condemnations and Government Response
The attack has prompted swift condemnation from Canadian officials. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau denounced the violence, emphasizing that every Canadian has the right to practice their faith safely. Trudeau praised local police for their quick response and commitment to investigating the incident. Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown also voiced his disapproval, asserting that those responsible should face full legal consequences.
Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre called the violence “completely unacceptable,” stressing that freedom of religious practice is fundamental in Canada. Conservative MP Chandra Arya strongly criticized the incident, suggesting that Khalistani extremists had “crossed a red line.” Arya has been vocal about concerns over the presence of pro-Khalistani extremists in Canada, linking the attack to a rise in radical extremism within the community.
India Condemns Attacks, Criticizes Canada’s Response to Extremism
The Indian High Commission in Canada issued a statement condemning the attack, labeling it a “violent disruption” orchestrated by anti-India elements. The incident has exacerbated tensions in India-Canada relations, already strained due to Canada’s alleged tolerance toward pro-Khalistani elements. In recent months, the diplomatic relationship has been turbulent, with India accusing Canada of allowing extremist activities linked to Khalistani separatists on its soil.