Harvard University is synonymous with prestige and selective admissions, having an acceptance rate of less than 4%. Among the lucky few who make it into Harvard, some are not only noted for their academic excellence but also because of their great fortunes. Recently, a video featuring Harvard students narrating weird stories about how lavish the lives of their friends are went viral on social media sites, uploaded by Instagram user Ashton Herndon.

The video included a number of mind-boggling examples of affluence which the students reported seeing firsthand. These include a case where a student described his preferred airline as “My dad’s.”

Another student remembers a classmate posting selfies from a private jet just hours before class. “The people who fly to Europe for the weekend-those plane tickets aren’t cheap.” Some students even share family names that match the names of campus buildings, implying ties to old money.

The indulgent glamour of the place is not unexpected at a college that still bases admissions to some extent on a family’s legacy and opens its wallet for wealthy families who donate buildings or millions of dollars.One student wore three Cartier Love bracelets nonchalantly. Each bracelet cost about Rs 5 lakh, or around $6,000.

The video has racked up over 4.5 million views, with a flood of reactions on social media. One commenter humorously quipped, “That’s why everyone knows Harvard is not for the smartest but for the richest.” Another commenter pointed out, “So Gossip Girl wasn’t that unrealistic after all.”

Other tales were one in which a student claimed that he forgot his assignments in his dog’s car. To his astonishment, the dog arrived later in a BMW X5, with a chauffeur who handed over the assignments. “I just stood there, jaw dropped, and she casually said, ‘Yes, my dog has his own car.'”

This peep into the lives of Harvard’s richest students has shocked and entertained the internet.