Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, during his UK visit, lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his unwavering leadership and support. Speaking at an interactive session on “Investment Opportunities in MP,” Yadav highlighted the Centre’s role in fostering economic growth and boosting investor confidence.
Chief Minister Yadav compared PM Modi’s commitments to the stability of Mount Everest, emphasizing that his words translate into action. He stated, “For any Chief Minister, the Centre is the biggest support. PM Modi’s promises are not just words; they are solid assurances that drive confidence in the economy.”
Highlighting Madhya Pradesh’s achievements, Yadav shared notable milestones:
Yadav’s six-day visit to the UK and Germany aims to attract global investors by engaging with industrialists, business leaders, and government officials. Earlier, he met with Indian diaspora members to promote investment opportunities in Madhya Pradesh.
The Chief Minister also discussed:
CM Mohan Yadav’s visit underscores Madhya Pradesh’s commitment to industrial growth and international collaboration. With strong leadership from the Centre and a clear roadmap, the state is positioning itself as a top investment destination.
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