A new accusation has emerged against former President Donald Trump, as Beatrice Keul, a former Swiss beauty queen, claims Trump attempted to grope her at New York’s Plaza Hotel in 1993, marking the 28th allegation of sexual misconduct against him. Keul said she was prompted to come forward after discovering travel documents related to her trip from Zurich to New York while preparing to move.


How Keul Met Trump

Keul, who was a Swiss bank executive and part-time model, had caught Trump’s attention after placing second in the Miss Switzerland competition in 1992. She was invited to the US for Trump’s American Dream Pageant with expenses covered. Keul recalled being initially thrilled by the invitation, viewing it as a major opportunity. However, after a press luncheon at Trump’s Castle Casino in Atlantic City, Keul says she was escorted to a hotel suite at the Plaza Hotel where Trump allegedly attempted to grope her.

Describing the incident, Keul recounted that Trump “jumped” on her, groping her and attempting to lift her dress as she repeatedly pushed him away. Her height, she noted, helped her resist. She managed to deescalate the situation by redirecting the conversation, and Trump eventually settled down, offering her a drink and discussing her career prospects. Keul claimed Trump asked if she wanted to stay in the US and offered potential placements at New York University.


Similar Allegations and Other Claims

This accusation surfaces shortly after model Stacey Williams alleged a similar encounter, claiming Trump groped her in front of Jeffrey Epstein in 1993. Keul and Williams’ accounts add to longstanding allegations from other women, including writer E. Jean Carroll and former pageant contestant Jill Harth.

Over the years, more than two dozen women, including former Miss USA contestants and other public figures, have accused Trump of various acts of sexual misconduct. Despite the mounting claims, Trump has denied all allegations, attributing them to political motives or misunderstandings.