Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav received a warm welcome from Vikram Doraiswami, the Indian High Commissioner to the UK, and the Indian diaspora upon his arrival in London. This marks the start of his six-day tour aimed at enhancing global investment in Madhya Pradesh.
CM Yadav’s visit emphasizes the state’s potential in renewable energy, electric vehicles, automotive manufacturing, and food processing. Interactive sessions with over 120 participants, including industrialists and business leaders, will spotlight these sectors.
This international tour is an extension of Madhya Pradesh’s domestic efforts, following successful investment conclaves held in Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, and Ujjain. CM Yadav aims to position Madhya Pradesh as a hub for global investors, driving economic growth and innovation.
The UK-Germany tour underlines Madhya Pradesh’s commitment to global collaboration, showcasing its thriving investment climate and fostering ties with international stakeholders.
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