Pictures have emerged recently where Kamala Harris and her husband, Doug Emhoff, are seen shopping for groceries. Posts of the photographs of this ordinary life of the couple went viral in social media. Amidst rumors that have been floating about their marital problems, it was the plastic bag Harris carried that made headlines. The event reminded everyone of her key campaign promise during her presidential bid in 2019-ban on plastic straws.

During her 2019 campaign, Harris advocated for plastic straws to be banned as part of her environmental plan. At a CNN Town Hall, she suggested, “I think we should… We do need to ban the plastic.”

By 2024, though, she reversed that stance and has since dropped the suggested ban. A plastic bag now stands in contrast to what the American would have perceived her to be: an environmentalist, given California’s 10-cent fine on single-use bags and the long-term impact on the environment that plastics may pose.

Marriage Rumors

Social media has been awash with the rumors of marital discord between Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff. DailyMail reported that Kamala Harris supposedly blamed her husband, Doug Emhoff, for her loss in the US election, terming him a ‘dead weight’. A source close to the couple claimed, “There’s plenty of blame to go around as far as Kamala is concerned and Doug has his share.” The source continued, “Doug did Kamala no favors during the election – frankly, he looked like a hypocritical a** after the bombshells that he had got his child’s nanny pregnant while married to his first wife and assaulted his ex-girlfriend on the heels of his ‘I am woman’ crusade.

Contrary to the rumors, the couple was seen as being in one piece at Donald Trump’s inauguration event. According to reports, Harris is now readying herself for a new life as she has already enrolled in a job at a law firm where she will divide her time between New York and Los Angeles.