Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, during his visit to the United Kingdom, engaged with prominent business leaders to boost investments in his state. The meetings highlighted the immense growth potential of Madhya Pradesh and India’s thriving economy.
Speaking on the occasion, Raminder Ranger, a Member of the UK’s House of Lords, expressed optimism about India’s economic trajectory. “The future belongs to India,” he remarked, adding that India’s impressive 7-8% growth rate stands out amidst stagnating economies in Europe and America.
Ranger praised India as a secular, democratic nation with strong rule of law, ensuring stability and safety for foreign investments. “There is no fear of a coup or fundamentalism. India’s governance framework gives us confidence to invest,” he said.
Ranger also emphasized India’s hardworking culture, citing Indians leading global blue-chip companies as evidence of the country’s commitment and capability. “The returns on investments in India will be quick and substantial,” he added.
The British business community lauded CM Mohan Yadav for personally presenting investment opportunities in Madhya Pradesh. Ranger noted the delegation felt encouraged by the state’s focus on industrial development and international collaboration.
CM Yadav’s week-long tour of the UK and Germany, from November 24 to November 30, underscores the Madhya Pradesh government’s dedication to fostering partnerships that go beyond investments. The visit aligns with India’s vision of becoming a global economic powerhouse while strengthening ties with international stakeholders.
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