Jes Staley, the former Barclays chief executive, made a key disclosure in court that he had a consensual sexual experience with a woman who worked for convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s team. The disclosure is part of his current appeal against a suggested lifetime ban from the financial sector, associated with his close association with Epstein.
Staley described the woman, who was introduced to him by Epstein, as an employee of the disgraced financier and a claimant against his estate. Staley added that they became close while waiting for Epstein, who was notorious for being late. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) noted that the woman had requested Staley’s exclusion from any settlement with Epstein’s estate.
In 2023, the FCA said it would ban Staley for life, and fine him £1.8 million ($2.3 million), because of his dishonest statements about his friendship with Epstein. While Staley has insisted consistently that he had no idea Epstein was committing crimes, the FCA pointed to more than 1,000 emails between the two, in which Staley called Epstein ‘family’ and described their ‘profound’ friendship.
One 2010 email, which the FCA released, featured Staley and Epstein talking about Disney characters, with Staley writing, “That was fun. Say hi to Snow White,” and saying he was interested in ‘Beauty and the Beast’
next. The FCA used this exchange to contend that Staley’s relationship with Epstein was personal rather than professional. The FCA also pointed out that Epstein had requested Staley to serve as trustee of his estate, though Staley says he does not remember the request and stated that he refused it. Staley’s opportunity to submit evidence in his appeal will end on Friday.