A highly unusual and controversial scene unfolded during Donald Trump’s inauguration, where Khalistani terrorist Gurpatwant Pannun raised the “Khalistan Zindabad” slogan at the Liberty Ball. The incident, captured on video, quickly went viral on social media, drawing attention to Pannun’s presence at the event. Though he was not officially invited, Pannun reportedly managed to secure tickets through an undisclosed contact and appeared among the crowd, attempting to make a statement.
Pannun’s Attempt to Connect with Trump
Gurpatwant Pannun, the General Counsel of Sikhs For Justice, appeared to be making a calculated attempt to show his proximity to the US administration by raising the controversial slogan. Despite his efforts, his actions failed to gain the traction he hoped for. Standing far from important political figures like India’s External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, Pannun’s presence seemed more of a publicity stunt rather than a genuine display of importance or influence.
Failed Propaganda and Closer Scrutiny
While Gurpatwant Pannun has previously made headlines with threats aimed at India in an attempt to further his Khalistan agenda, his presence at Trump’s event did not contribute to any meaningful political connection. Indian authorities have consistently dismissed Pannun’s anti-India rhetoric, seeing it as a desperate attempt to stir fear and create unrest for his cause. His efforts to align himself with the US administration were widely seen as unconvincing and lacking any real substance.
Trump’s Inauguration and Global Reactions
Donald Trump was officially sworn in as the 47th President of the United States on January 20 at the Capital One Arena in Washington DC. The event marked the beginning of Trump’s new term, during which he immediately signed several executive orders, including those aimed at reversing policies from the previous administration. In light of the inauguration, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Trump, underscoring the importance of US-India relations despite the controversial moments surrounding the event.