A Colombian lawmaker was heavily criticized after vaping in the chamber during a session to deliberate healthcare reforms. The incident occurred on December 17 at the Chamber of Representatives. Juvinao was seen vaping, and she represented Bogotá as well as belonged to the Green Alliance Party. Ironically, the meeting was centered on proposed changes to the country’s health policies, making her actions particularly controversial.

The video shows Juvinao vaping as she is getting ready to address the legislature. She had seen cameras, so she quickly exhaled the vapor and concealed the device, but it had already been captured. 

But in any case, her activities will be under scrutiny in this country, which strictly bars smoking and vaping within governmental buildings, including those chambers of parliament. President Gustavo Petro signed a regulation related to the sale and consumption of electronic cigarettes and vapors earlier this year amid growing popularity.


It became viral, and the video prompted her to make an apology on social media. In a post on X, the now-defunct app previously branded as Twitter, Juvinao wrote that, “I won’t follow the poor example intoxicating the public debate today, an example not repeated”.

The timing also raised an eyebrow since it was around the time when a law regulating the vaping industry and strictly controlling it had just passed in the country. It drew mixed reactions from the public as some were condemning the behavior of Juvinao, while others were acknowledging her swift apology, promising that she would avoid such action in the future.